Pal Mein Ishq Pal Mein Nahi is a drama series produced by Six Sigma production house and released on the Channel Express Entertainment. Seema Gazal is the Writer. The show premiered every Saturday at 9:00 P.M. Stars of Pal Mein Ishq Pal Mein Nahi drama are Humayun Saeed Humayun Saeed has been known famously across Pakis >> Read More... , Manoor Baloch, Imran Abbas, Tooba Siddiqui Tooba Siddiqui is an actress and model from Pakist >> Read More... , Samina Ahmed, Shaheryar Zaidi, Saba Hameed Previously known as Saba Pervaiz, Saba Hameed is t >> Read More... , and Seemi Raheel Seemi Raheel is a senior Pakistani actress who has >> Read More... . Faheem Burney directs this series, and Shibani Kashyap Shibani Kashyap is a Bollywood singer who also app >> Read More... sings the title song of this show.