Mere Baba Ki Ounchi Haveli premiered on ARY Zindagi, an exciting television serial. This Pakistani serial was indeed popular among the viewers. The cast of the serial consists of highly talented and experienced actors. The cast included many well-known actors and actresses like Talat Hussain Talat Hussain Warsi is a Pakistani artist. His par >> Read More... , Maium Ansari, Mehwish Qureshi Mehwish Qureshi is a Pakistani actress known for a >> Read More... , Hamza Tariq, Faraz Farooqi, Tahir Ali Shah, Saleem Mairaj  Saleem Mairaj, renowned as Sultan from spiritua >> Read More... , Sukaina Bakhtawar, Mirza Rizwan, Gul E Rana, Humaira, Zeeshan Ali Shah, Shazia Qaisar, and Agha Talal Agha Talal is a handsome and renowned actor in Pak >> Read More... . Each of them brought unique acting skills that made the show more vivid. The writer of this drama, Samina Eijaz, promises a delightful experience to the audience.
Mere Baba Ki Ounchi Haveli is categorized under family drama and presents a relatable and engaging storyline. The plot revolves around the relationships in the family, their struggles, and the bond they share. The story uses a stubborn and old-fashioned father and his three daughters as basis. The father loves all her daughters, yet his decisions for their life have caused them pain and suffering in life. Abba Mian’s eldest daughter, Safia, got wedded to someone fixed by him. Safia was in love with another man and wanted to marry him despite the fact her father disapproved of her relationship. The marriage came out to be a disaster. His daughter blamed him for the misery. His second daughter, Sidra, is a self-centered and egoistic person. She blames her father for all her life problems. The constant bickering between Sidra and her father creates restlessness in the family. His third daughter, Abeera, is his favorite daughter. Abeera loves her father dearly and always stands by him. Her undying love and support keep her father’s heart melted.
However, the story takes an unexpected turn when he marries a woman. The woman is almost the same age as his daughters. The family members struggle to understand the reasons for this strange marriage. The marriage left all three daughters astonished at first. It was an unexpected twist in their lives as well. Mere Baba Ki Ounchi Haveli presents a web of complex relationships. The viewers get to witness the nature of relationships and the situations that the family faces. The story brilliantly portrays how relationships can heal a person’s heart as well as destroy the heart. It combines the drama with an essence of reality. Mere Baba Ki Ounchi Haveli is a heartwarming story. It connects directly to the heart of viewers.