Kismat Kyun Hui Bewafa is a captivating Urdu television series that delves into the dynamics of relationships, love, and betrayal. The storyline revolves around two individuals named Zoya and Armaan who experience love and envision a shared future. However, destiny has its plans for them, leading them to face challenges and heartaches. As the narrative unfolds, hidden secrets come to light, weaving a web of lies, deception, and betrayal. Zoya and Armaan must confront their pasts and the people who have caused them pain to find closure and pursue happiness. This show delves into the depths of emotions while exploring the repercussions of our choices. "Kismat Kyun Hui Bewafa" takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride as they become captivated by the drama and unexpected twists that shape the destinies of its characters. To learn more about this series, tune in to Express-News.