Karam Jali is an Urdu TV drama on the APlus TV channel, written by Iftikhat Ahmed Usmani and directed by Mubashir Hassan. The Pakistani TV drama features Dania Anwar, Humayun Ashraf Humayun Ashraf is a very famous and extremely dash >> Read More... , Sohail Sameer Sohail Sameer is a Pakistani television and film a >> Read More... , Mehboob Sultan Mehboob Sultan is a Pakistani actor who has worked >> Read More... , Tahira Imran, Asma Abbas Asma Abbas is one among the few talented serial ac >> Read More... , Sadaf Umail, and Rohi Khan Rohi Khan is a senior Pakistani actress born in Ka >> Read More... . The first episode of Karam Jali aired on 6 February 2018. Karam Jali is the story of a young girl and how her life becomes tough after she gets married. The unfavorable behavior of her in-laws makes her life tough and challenging, which involves mistreatment, emotional stress, and societal pressures.
Despite the emotional storyline of the TV show, the makers have claimed the TV show to be a family entertainer. The elements of the TV show are humor, warmth, relatable family dynamics, and engaging storytelling. While addressing serious themes, the show maintains a family-oriented approach for a diverse audience by exploring relatable family dynamics and the protagonist's journey through adversity.