Haal-e-Dil is a Pakistani Drama series originally written and telecasted in Urdu. Written by Maha Malik  Maha Malik is a Pakistani writer and screenwrit >> Read More... , directed by Babar Javed Babar Javed is a Pakistani film director and produ >> Read More... , starring Samia Mumtaz, Asif Raza Mir Asif Raza Mir is a producer and actor in the Pakis >> Read More... , Fahad Mustafa Fahad Mustafa or Sunny Tunio is a popular Pakistan >> Read More... , Faisal Qureshi Faisal Qureshi is a well-known Pakistani anchor an >> Read More... , Natasha D’ Souza, Amna as the main characters of the Story. The serial had 25 episodes telecasted on ARY Digital Channel in 2010. The story revolves around the theme that an escape from life can cost bitterness for a lifetime. The Haal-e-Dil story showcases the same philosophy on which different relations and characters revolve.
Taimur, an impulsive character who is obsessed with the love of Seerat they both get engaged but the differences in their personalities can’t foster their relationship, whereas Seerat remains close to Mansoor, who is a blind poet, is a Nation-renowned artist and his sister Farah is the best friend of Seerat, Now even both sister brother duo Farah and Mansoor, wish an for the alliance of Mansoor and Seerat but are afraid of outcomes. Now what will happen next? Who will play the game of love? Continue watching the serial on Ary Digital’s official YouTube channel to find out what twist awaits to unfold.