Dushman is a 2022 Pakistani television drama that first aired on PTV Home during night primetime. It's written by Ali Moeen. The show directed by Abdullah Badini, and produced by Zeeshan Ahmed under the banner of Mont Blanc Entertainment. The show features Nadia Afgan, Saman Ansari, Feroza Muhammad, Nayyar Ejaz, Hassan Niazi, Sabeeka Imam, Ayub Khoso, in pivotal roles. The storyline revolves around a longstanding rivalry between the houses of Rajkot and Malikgar states. Their history is marked by a cycle of vengeance. In the show, the conflict has always existed between the two families and escalates even more as the male heirs start a battle.
Meanwhile, the plot takes a drastic turn when Waris and Sassi, the offspring of the families, secretly marry. Love knows no boundaries and this massive battle between the families mattered the least to both the lovers, their union was meant to happen and it did. Soon, Mai Lali from Rajkot discovers this union and brutally kills Waris. Pregnant with Waris's child, Sassi looks for refuge with the Maliks and plans to deliver her unborn to Waris's family. The story is an amalgamation of revenge, love, and family dynamics. It shows how intergenerational conflict leads to negative consequences, even forbidden love. Dushman-meaning enemies, as a show, exposes the brutalities and atrocities of family wars.Â