Dhaani is an Urdu-language TV series on Geo TV. The drama premiered in 2016 and ended in 2017. Ali Faizan directed the show while Hashim Nadeem Hashim Nadeem is a Pakistani playwriter, director, >> Read More... had written it. Babar Javed Babar Javed is a Pakistani film director and produ >> Read More... had produced the series. This Pakistani show stars Sami Khan Sami Khan born on July 6, 1980 is a Pakistani acto >> Read More... , Madiha Imam Madiha Imam is a Pakistani host, VJ and actress. S >> Read More... , and Shezray in lead roles. The 30-episode romantic drama revolves around Sameer (Sami Khan) and Dhaani (Madiha Imam). Sameer is the son of a rich family. He befriends Dhaani, a girl who comes from a humble background. Unknown to both of them, Dhaani’s father is an age-old employee of Sameer’s family. Dhaani is in unrequited love with Sameer. But, as the story progresses, Sameer realises he had been in love with Dhaani. The plot follows the lovers as they face social and economic barriers, and the struggle they have to overcome to win the battle. Their love is accepted by both families and they get married.