Cousins is a Pakistani serial that premiered in 2018 on PTV Home. It is an Urdu-language serial that focuses on the lives of cousins and their happy and unhappy situations. The story begins by introducing the joint family as they prepare for the marriage of the oldest daughter in the family. Maryam is a beautiful and obedient daughter who is getting married to Zeeshan. However, Maryam is unhappy with the marriage because she loved Amer, her cousin. After having a conversation about their thoughts, Maryam felt relieved because Amer didn’t make an effort to stop the marriage. Zeeshan isn’t as rich as Maryam and doesn’t want to indulge in unnecessary drama. Thus, Zeeshan keeps his mother’s wish to marry Maryam. However, Zeeshan’s mother is cunning, and demands dowry from Maryam’s parents as they are against such demands they only accept to do the bare minimum needed for their daughter to be happy in her new home.
Zeeshan’s mom is unhappy because her demands weren’t fulfilled and thus, she makes sure that Zeeshan doesn’t interact, and spends a lot of time with Maryam. Kulli, Hamza and Sheryer (Sherry) are other cousins in the joint family. Kulli and Hamza have a soft corner for each other; however, they haven’t expressed their feelings. Sherry is the youngest cousin and lives away from home to college. He’s unaware of the happenings that took place during his absence. Sherry recently got rusticated from his college for bunking lectures and consistently low progress in academics. Sherry is happy because he can spend more time at home. However, his happiness is short-lived as the college sends the rustication letter to his home. Sherry tries to bribe the postman to give him the letter; however all his ideas get backfired on him. What will happen next? Watch the serial to find out. Cousins is a light-hearted drama. It was written by Kashtif Nisar and directed by Tariq Mairaj Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . The lead cast of the serial includes Rabbia Mufti, Shahab Abdullah, Shamim Qazi, Nushzat Kazmi, Qazi Zubair Qazi Zubair is a renowned Urdu actor, director, an >> Read More... and Sohail Sameer Sohail Sameer is a Pakistani television and film a >> Read More... . Cousins is available on PTV Old Dramas YouTube Channel.