101 Talaqain is a Pakistani drama serial aired on Green Entertainment channel every Thursday at 9 p.m. This show is written and directed by Omer Ikram. This show includes the cast of Zahid Ahmed Zahid Ahmed is an Urdu theatre, film, and televisi >> Read More... , Zubab Rana Zubab Rana is an actress who works in the Pakistan >> Read More... , Usama Khan Bio coming soon...  Usama Khan Family Tree (Inf >> Read More... , Naveen Waqar Naveen Waqar, is a accomplished performer of Pakis >> Read More... , Faiza Sheikh, Yasir Nawaz He was born on 22 June, 1970, to a Muslim family i >> Read More... , and Anoushay Abbasi.Â
The plot revolves around a lawyer named Rustom, who runs a law firm. He takes the cases of Talaq and sorts out the problems between the couple. Many couples come to him for Talaq, but he stops them from Talaq and explains their mutual understanding. He believes in love at first sight, and later, this situation is named a biology term.
He sees marriage as a bond between two creatures, and it needs to be saved from divorce. He solved many cases in his life of divorce. Whichever couple comes to him, he explains them through couple therapy or gives them the example of another couple. The relationship between the couples who come for divorce has shown from a perspective of trouble.Â