Chaganti Gaari is a devotional show in the Telugu language that airs on the channel, Star Maa Gold. Star Maa Gold is a sister channel of the popular channel, Star Maa which is owned by the Star India Network. The show was telecasted early in the morning, every day of the week. Chaganti Gaari has had four seasons till date where season one had a total of 47 episodes, season two had 50 episodes, season three had 50 episodes and season four had 118 episodes in total. Each episode of season four lasts for more than an hour.
Chaganti Gaari is a religious show where Brahmasri Chaganti Koteshwara Rao gives pravachanams, which means preaching, on Indian mythologies and ancient religious books. In this show, Guru Ji draws references from various old sayings and lessons that were written in the old mythological books of the Indian culture. He talks about various life altering ideas and thoughts and talks about them in front of a gathering of his followers. He preaches the importance of these old stories and the lessons that can be drawn out of them and how these lessons are still relevant in today’s world. India has always been a country with diverse culture. No other country in this world has had such deep and rich mythology like India has had.
There is a lot to be learnt and understood about life from these mythological occurrences and books. Sadly, not many of us in today’s world follow these lessons or even know about all of these teachings. Through this show, Guru Ji enlightens us with the true essence of life and how even in this complicated world, we can follow a simple living and attain happiness and peace by doing simple things. The show reinstates the values of determination, devotion, generosity, kindness and faith and their impacts in our lives.
He draws references from deeds of our Gods and how they attained solace by following these basic rules of life. Brahmasri Chaganti Koteshwara Rao tells stories about various gods from our mythology like Shri Ram, Goddess Ganga, Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu, Lord Krishna, etc. He preaches the audience about the benefits and spirituality of taking a dip in the water of the holy Ganges, the benefits of penance, the theories of attachments and detachment, the essence of devotion, the origin of the Vedas, and many more such life lessons and theories. The show takes place live where Guru Ji gives preaching to thousands of his followers. So the people, who cannot be physically present to learn these great lessons, can watch this show and catch the live telecast of all these good teachings of life.
Another version of the Serial...
Chaganti Gari Special is a Telugu TV show that aired on the Maa Gold TV channel. It is a devotional show which provides insights and enlightenment to the devotee. The show provides major mythological content from Hindu mythology. The show has Brahmasri Chaganti Koteswara Rao, a known speaker in India. He is well known for his discussion on Sanatana Dharma. He is proficient in Hindu Puranas. He gives Pravachanams on mythologies. In this TV show, he also gives in-depth knowledge about many mythological facts. In one episode he talks about well-known gurus Dronacharya and Kripacharya and their interest in teaching. And he also explains why Dronacharya revealed the ultimate weapon. In another, he explains about Ekalavya, a devoted student who wanted to give something to his guru for the lessons. Dhronacharya asked for his thumb in return and he gave it.
Sri Changati explained why Dhronachariya asked for his thumb and he also described the characteristic features of Ekalavya. In another episode, he describes Arjuna and his powerful focus. He also provided knowledge about how Dronacharya tested the stand of Pandavas and Kauravas on dharma. He recounts the tale of Gautama Maharishi and also the story of Krupacharya. He then tells the tale of Bharadwaja Dhronacharya and others. He then recalls the meeting held between Dronacharya and Bhishma and the passion of Arjuna for more knowledge which inspired Dronacharya. He mainly depicts stories in Mahabharata. He mentions the birth of the three sons of Pandavas and the birth of Duryodhana. He then tells about Vyasa, who wrote Mahabharata. He explains the narrative of Vyasa. He then emphasizes the strength of Bhima and Duryodhana. Their enmity is well known. Duryodhana and Bhima hate each other since childhood. They always aimed to kill each other. Guru explains the wicked nature of Duryodhana. He explains how Duryodhana plotted against Bhima with the black serpents. Karna is known as the son of the sun and is known for his powers. Guru gives knowledge about the birth of Karna to the devotees. He also provides counseling about why human beings are now so vulnerable to live of their own free will. He takes the life of Bhishma as an example of this and narrates his story. He talks about Bhishma's purpose in his life. Bhishma was the statesman and commander of the ancient Indian Kuru kingdom. He is the central character in Mahabharata and led the Kauravas in the Great War. He is also known as Gangeya.
He explains the love of Bhishma for his father and how he ruled the kingdom after his father’s death. He further explains how Chitrangada became the ruler after Bhishma. Another episode is titled Father, the First Teacher. He explains how a father plays the role of the first teacher. He further explains Mahabisha’s personality by telling the story of Pratheepa Maharaja. He also explained about the birth of Bhishma who is the 8th son of Shantanu. He enlightens the viewers about the story of goddess Nandini, the giver of immortality. He also narrates the story of Jithavathi He discusses the Vedas. He throws light on the sacrifices that Bhishma had made for the welfare of his dynasty. The episodes can be viewed on Disney Plus Hotstar. Overall this is a religious show that provides insights and enlightenment through mythological stories and concepts. Each episode is 23 minutes.