Kousalya Kharthika is a differently-abled woman who has created history by winning Rs. 1 crore on Radhika Sarathkumar's game show Kodeeswari. Everyone was amazed by the remarkable lady's passion and great drive, despite her hearing and speech imparities. Kousalya was born and raised in Madurai. She is graduated from Madurai. Kousalya was a top university student who earned a bachelor's...
Radhika is a famous actress in multiple of languages like Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi. She did her education in different places like Sri Lanka, India, and the United Kingdom. She was born in India. Her father is a famous Tamil comedian actor, M. R. Radha, and her mother is Geetha Radha. She has married with Sarathkumar at Chennai....