Teacher Amma is a Sinhala TV show airing on Swarnavahini. The show is produced and directed by Sudaththa Thilaksiri, featuring songs written by Kalum Srimal and a background score by Dinesh Subasinghe Dinesh Subasinghe is a famous Sri Lankan music com >> Read More... . The script is penned by Thimira Udalamaththa Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . The series stars Ramani Siriwardhana in the title role of the kind teacher, with actors like Indika Deshapriya Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Milinda Perera Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Ruwan Perera Ruwan Perera is a Sinhalese Actor. He completed hi >> Read More... , Sarath Karunarathne Bio coming soon... >> Read More... and Chandana Irugalbandara Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Anjalee Liyanage Anjalee Liyanage, also known as Anjali, was born o >> Read More... , Morin Charuni, Chamila Peeris Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Kumari Senarathna Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Nayana Rambukkanage Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , and Hirushi Wasundara.
The story of the show is centered around a kind-hearted teacher named Sayonara. She is affectionate and selfless. The show has lighthearted storytelling. It is presented from the perspective of children embarking on youthful adventures. With plenty of comedy, the narrative captures the innocence of childhood ways. It explores more prominent social themes as well, like parental negligence due to economic hardships and the power of unconditional love to reform wayward souls. Sayonara stands firmly for justice and righteousness, winning people through her compassion.