Vilayti Bhabhi is a comedy-drama series on Zee Punjabi. The 190-episode drama is streaming on the Zee5 platform. It premiered in January 2020 and aired Monday to Friday at 9 pm. Each episode had a run time of 20 to 24 minutes. Isha Gupta (Emily) and Kanwarpreet Singh (Sandy) played the leading roles. Sahil Kohli Bio coming soon... >> Read More... directed the series. The drama was produced under the banner of Eternal Flame Production. Sandy is an NRI from Canada. He is married to Emily, who is Canadian by birth. Sandy is lazy and detests working. To have an easier stress-free life, he returns to his village in Punjab with his wife. His family is shocked to learn about his marriage to Emily. The plot engages in the villagers plotting preposterously funny ways to make Sandy go back to Canada. They want him to endeavor, to earn a living in Canada.
The plot introduces various characters with their trail of dreams and aspirations to pursue, which overlap with Sandy’s return to Canada. In retrospect, Emily and Sandy open up an NRI grooming class. The comedy is a satire of Indian folks obsessed with NRIs and their foreign lifestyle. With an excellent supporting cast, the serial gathered a remarkable audience for regional TV.