Khasma Nu Khani is a drama series on Zee Punjabi. The drama is streaming on the Zee5 platform. This primetime show premiered in 2020 and airs Monday to Friday at 7 pm. Each episode has a run time of 20 to 24 minutes. Navdeesh Arora Navdeesh Arora is a model and reality show persona >> Read More... (Armaan), Harsimran Oberoi Harsimran Kaur Oberoi is an IndianPunjabi actress >> Read More... (Desho), and Sukhpreet Trehan (Simple) play the leading roles. Rajeev Sham Laal Soni directed the serial. It is produced under the banner of Eternal Frame Production. The drama narrates the story of Desho, who is a simple housewife. Armaan is her sophisticated husband, and he desires a more glamorous relationship. His desperation makes him fall prey to a love scheme. Simple is his modern and calculative colleague at the ad agency. She conveniently woos him into her trap. The extramarital affair throws Desho astray. But, she takes up desperate measures to save her marriage. This story narrates a woman’s capacity to endure and tests her patience throughout the serial.