Sathi Mo Asichi Pheri is a fantasy drama Odia serial that aired in 2020 on Zee Sarthak. The story revolves around a young couple, Madhav and Manaswini. Manaswini, is a young woman who gets killed by an 'Ichhadhari Naagin' (a shape-shifting serpent) because of a certain curse involving the naagmani (serpent jewel). However, she is later reborn as Radhika. When she visits the ancient Garuda temple and starts to recollect her memories, the same naagin named Maya becomes aware of her return.
Meanwhile, Radhika develops feelings for a man named Madhav, and with Maya in the picture it gets a bit complicated considering the fact that Maya does everything in her power to ruin Radhika's life and relationship with Madhav, even going as far as to trying to kill him. Madhav's mother is depicted to know of these curses and the whole ordeal behind the naagmani. Worried, she uses its powers to save Madhav and Radhika's life. How they overcome the curse together constitutes the rest of the show.