Sabu Thikthak is an Odia-language serial premiered in 2014 on ETV Odia. Currently, the serial is available on the Colors Odia’s YouTube Channel. It is a sitcom serial that focuses on the lives of individuals living in a village. Sabu Thikthak is a comedy serial that presents the viewers with different characters as they deal with their problems in a hilarious way.. The first episode of the serial introduces the viewers to the people of the village which includes Saheb, Jhilmil, Som, Payal, Shruti, J.J and his family. Living in a small town, the people are shown as innocent, calm, and kind.
However, there are few negative characters such as the sarpanch’s son who is depicted to be flirtatious. Sabu Thikthak is an excellent source of entertainment to unwind your day with a laugh. The serial shows the viewers how to overcome the most-challenging problem with faith and an optimistic approach. Sabu Thikthak stands with the message of All is Well. Sabu Thikthak was written by Debidutta Mohanty Debidutta Mohanty is an Indian writer, dialogue wr >> Read More... and directed by Manoj Sinha.