Mo Dehe Bolide To Deha Kala is an Odia TV serial. It premiered in March 2020. It aired from Monday to Saturday at 7:30 pm on the Manjari TV channel. Ram Krushna Padhi is the director. Bini Samal Bini Samal is a producer cum actress from the Odia >> Read More... is the producer. Parna Das Bio coming soon... >> Read More... is the writer. The cast includes Sradha Panigrahi, Jyoti Prakash Panda Born on 3rd February, Jyoti Prakash Panda is a fam >> Read More... , Priyambada Roy, Bhupati Tripathy Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Akshaya Bastia Akshaya Bastia is a famous actor. He has worked in >> Read More... , Dushmanta Pati, Kedar Mishra Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Shreela Tripathy, and Abhipsa Bhanja Abhipsa Bhanja is one of the most well-known perso >> Read More... . The story starts with a young and beautiful woman, Sradha. Her beauty is beyond compare. Shockingly, for some reason, she puts a dark foundation on her skin to look dark and ugly. She comes from a poor family. Her parents had passed away when she was a kid. She lives with her aunt, Sarala, and uncle, Dinabondhu.
They have taken a loan from a Zamindar. Because they were unable to return the money on time, the Zamindar wanted to marry Sradha. On the wedding day, Sradha runs away. It is revealed that Sradha has been a good and beautiful girl since she was a child. Everyone around her liked her. Sarala and her daughter, Siddhi, were jealous of her beauty. Sradha was a devotee of Lord Jagannath, who had black skin.
Sarala poisons her mind by convincing her to color herself in a darker shade to please Lord Jagannath. If the Lord is pleased, her parents’ souls will rest in peace. When Sradha runs away, she gets into a close accident with Abhijeet, who is drunk and driving. Since Abhijeet was not in a state of driving, He requested her to drop him at his house. When Sradha and Abhi reach his house, everyone is shocked to see Sradha. Since she was in a bride’s dress, Abhi’s family thinks they got married. Abhi pleads to Sradha to pretend to be his wife so that he can get away from Ellora. Abhijeet’s family has fixed his marriage with her. What starts as a fake marriage, blossoms into a love story. Abhijeet’s mother and other members conspire against Sradha. But Abhijeet and Sradha’s powerful love overcomes each obstacle. However, Abhijeet is in shock when he discovers Sradha’s true face.