Bajra Bahu is a 2019 Odia television series that aired on DD Odia. The series is written by Akash Das and directed by Ramesh Chandra Sahu. It stars Anuradha Mishra, Siddhartha Mahapatra, and Priyanka Mohanty. The story revolves around Bajra, a young woman who lives in a small village with her mother. Bajra is a strong and independent woman determined to make a difference in the world. One day, Bajra meets Raja, a young man from a wealthy family. Raja is immediately attracted to Bajra, but she is initially reluctant to get involved with him.
Bajra and Raja eventually fall in love, but their relationship has its challenges. Bajra’s mother is opposed to their relationship, and Raja’s family is not sure if they are worthy of each other. Bajra and Raja must overcome many obstacles to be together, including the disapproval of their families, the threat of a rival, and their doubts and fears. The cast of the show includes. Anuradha Mishra as Bajra, Siddhartha Mahapatra as Raja, Priyanka Mohanty as Bajra’s mother.