Anjali is an Odia serial that showcases the story of two sisters Anjali and Deepali. Both are twins, but the nature of sisters are very different from each other. Deepali and Anjali have a love-hate kind of relationship. Deepali doesn’t like Anjali at all and sees her as an enemy. Ballabh is the father and head of the family. They had a brother named Pallabh and Monu. The prospective groom’s family is coming to see Deepali. So Deepali’s mother asks her to get ready. But she denies it. So Pallabh becomes angry and locks Deepali in the cupboard. He requests Anjali to meet them as Deepali. After their father’s death, Anjali gets married to a wealthy businessman with two kids. All this happens because of Deepali. How will Anjali manage? Forms the storyline.