Vedha Biju is a Malayalam actress who hails from Kochi. The actress pursued her higher studies at The British University in Dubai. Biju is known for the Malayalam television series ‘Pranayavarnangal,’ that aired on Zee Keralam. Biju portrays the character of Diya on the show. The series, which also streams on OTT platform ZEE5, stars ‘Swathy Nithyanand,’ ‘Richard Jose,’ and...
Sandra Anil is an actress-cum-dancer known for both Malayalam movies and television shows. Born on September 18, Anil is known for the 2014 Malayalam flick ‘Chakkaramampazham.’...
Lakshana is an Indian film actress, who works in the Malayalam industry. She was born in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. She entered in the industry as a child artist in the year 2000. She is still active in the industry. She had done fifty-plus movies. She appeared as a guest role in many TV shows She is married to Sajith Pillai and...
Aneesh Shornur has to his credit the Malayalam show ‘Hridayam Snehasandram,’ which premiered on Mazhavil Manorama. The sound engineer began his career with Unity Studios, where he worked in 2016....
Vinod Unnithan is an executive or line producer of Indian origin. He is currently based in Mumbai in the state of Maharashtra. Vinod started his career by working as an assistant director for Pro-motion Pictures Private Limited in 2007. He worked as the production manager under Aamir Khan Productions Pvt. Limited for the movies Dhobi Ghat, Peepli Live, and Delhi...
Eldho Selvaraj is a production manager who has worked for the film industry for over ten years. He began working as a production manager in 2006. The same year, he worked as a production manager for three films. The names of the films are Achanurangatha Veedu, Classmates, and Oruvan. In 2007, he again came up with three films. The names...
NT Anuraj Vallikkunnu is a Malayalam editor and cinematographer. He was brought up in Malappuram, Kerala and resides in Calicut, Kerala, India. He went to CBHSS Vallikkunnu and GHSS Chelari School to earn his primary education. He then went to the University of Calicut to have a college degree. He worked as a cameraman for the short film Dhamsanam. NT...
Rolly Simon is an animator and GFX artist working in the Malayalam television industry. He currently works as a Senior Graphic Artist at MMtv, the parent company of the popular entertainment channel Mazhavil Manorama and Manorama News. He develops artworks and animations for the channel. Simon hails from Trichur, Kerala, and completed his schooling at St Johns HSS, Parrapur. He...
KPAC Saji is a famous tv actor who worked on the silver screen. He was born in Chendamangalam, near North Paravur in Kerala. He hails from a joint family, his parents had six children, and he was the youngest. He started his acting career in theatre with the Ernakulam Kalanilayam troupe after completing his under graduation. Later he acted for...
Vishnu Prasad is a Molly wood actor and director. He is best known for his roles in movies such as 96. He works as a director predominantly in Malayalam film Industry. He is also a filmmaker. He has graduated in acting from the National School of Drama. He makes films as keeping an aim that this is his social responsibility...