Chitra Shenoy is now a household name among Malayalam viewers. She plays the role of a greedy, cruel mother in law in the daily soap, Sthreedhanam. Sthreedhanam is telecasted by Asianet television channel and is very popular among lady viewers. The character Sethu Lakshmi is very strong and is safe in the hands of Chitra. Sethu Lakshmi rules of over...
Nithya Ram is a Kannada film actress seen in Kannada movies and television serials. Her talent in glamor world was recognized when she appeared in television series. She is glamorous and has a photogenic face. Following a successful television career, Nithya tried her acting debut in the 2015 Kannada language film ‘Muddu Manase’ as the female lead paired opposite Aru...
Nithya Shetty from Hyderabad is a South Indian actress who has acted in more than 20 movies as a child artist. She took a break from the industry as her mom wanted her to complete her education first. She completed her graduation in Electronics and Communication. She realized that she wanted to devote her life to acting when she was...
Madhu Sagar is a Kannada TV actor of the new generation. He got his break in the show business through television programs. The actor’s success has been very easy and quick in the television industry. The actor got the opportunity to act under major directors of the TV screen, because he is a very devoted actor who listens to what...