16 is a 2019 mystery thriller web series that aired on the renowned OTT platform Sony Liv. The show stars Ravi Kishan Ravi Kishan Shukla, or ostentatiously known by his >> Read More... , Ali Haji Ali Haji is a flourishing Indian child actor, born >> Read More... , Vani Sood, and Richa Mukherjee Born in the Capital city, Delhi, Richa Mukherjee i >> Read More... in lead roles. The show’s storyline revolves around a gang named 16 who keeps hurting seemingly innocent people. Throughout the show, the police investigated the members of this gang who are raping teenagers, murdering people, and what not. The show takes the theme of a dark drama thriller.Â
The story revolves around Neel and Minni, who try to decode the reason for Annu’s unexpected death. According to the sources, she had committed suicide ,but they firmly believe that she was murdered. Things become more and more mysterious when they hear about a second attack on an innocent victim. They continue their investigation to look for the person committing such heinous crimes. In later episodes, Neel and Minni are suspected of having a major part in the crime. From here on, Minni comes to the decision that their involvement in the case is only raising more questions and putting their lives at risk. And so, they take a step back.Â
Things become more pitiful when another rape occurs. While the police is still investigating, Neel and Minni are close to the target. Will they be able to catch them? Or will they keep committing these sins and never get caught? The show deals with that.Â