Sandhya Vandan was a religious television show that used to be broadcast on Sahara One. The show premiered on April 4th 2011 and was meant to start on the same day as the holy period of Chaitra Navratri. The show aired daily and was broadcast at the 715 pm time slot.
The show was intended to uplift the viewers spiritually. It was hosted by
Jayshree Soni
, who was better known as Niyati from the serial “Rishton Ke Bhanwar Mein Uljhi….Niyat”. The serial played religious music and bhajans while showing backgrounds of holy places in India. The show was meant to create spiritual ambience and bliss and to transport the viewers to a holy and divine place where they could connect with their spiritual self. The show was marketed as a show that members of a family could sit and watch while relaxing after a tiring and exhausting day of work. In a press release, the channel said that the show was meant to be watched by the entire family before settling down to watch the prime-time shows being broadcast by the channel.
The name Sandhya Vandan roughly translates to evening thanksgiving. The show was put in an evening time slot since the evening is traditionally considered the time to contemplate once relationship with spirituality.