Kadmon Mein Asmaan is an agricultural and educational show that regularly airs on the DD Kisan channel on the Doordarshan network. The show consists of various segments that are created specifically created to help the farmers across India. The show is part of the central’s government’s efforts to educate and modernize the farmers across India. The farmers across India are still stuck with traditional methods of agriculture which are inefficient, untrustworthy and lead to improper use of India’s land resources. The show travels to various parts of India where lots of farming takes place like – Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, etc.
These are the agricultural heartlands of the nation. The show record the experiences of different farmers and other people involved in agriculture. These are used to educate viewers watching at home. Kadmon Mein Asman talks about a lot of things that are important to the farmers across India. The show often interviews different farmers to talk about their agricultural practices. These farmers are usually the ones who’ve turned a profit on their produce by using new and advanced methods. They talk about a lot of things like farming patterns – when should a particular crop be planted, the combination of pesticides or fertilizers to be used, various tips and tricks for farmers and, the precautions that one should take for that particular crop.
This allows other farmers to learn from them and implement it themselves on their land. The show also talks to farmers who’ve developed new methods or technologies to make farming efficient. Far from the advanced technological labs, these inventions are small scale and easy to recreate which help to reduce the physical labor of the farmer. There are a lot of farmers who have created additional sources of income besides farming like cattle rearing, fishing, etc. The show talks to the farmers who are successful in these businesses and earn supplementary income.
They try to capture their experiences and their struggles. Kadmon Mein Asmaan is a show by the farmers, for the farmers. It is created solely keeping the benefit of the farmer in mind. The show helps farmers increase their efficiency by adopting modern methods of agriculture. It also teaches them about developments and innovations taking place around them. The ultimate aim of the show is simply to help the farmer, boost his income and help to make the best out of the land available to him.