’Jay Hind!’ is a prominent and longest running stand-up comedy show, created exclusively as an online platform. The show became a breakthrough in the online world and was even watched in USA and Uganda. Originally, it started on August 15, 2009, but because of its popularity, it was translated and at the same time, the show was broadcasted on television under the name of, The Late Night Show which was aired on Colors TV. The show was premiered on March 3, 2012 and was broadcasted at 11:00 P.M. during Saturday and Sunday.
The show is a valiant exertion from the Indian standards where the hosts and the characters candidly make dark humor about some of the most powerful personalities in India. The show was hosted by film and television actor,
Sumeet Raghavan
, who rose to fame in the television series, Sarabhai vs. Sarabhai and Ghar Ki Baat Hai and has worked for over 25-years in the entertainment industry. ‘Jay Hind!’ also deals with the Indian news and all the news around the world, which focused on the current topics, issues and trends. It was distinctively scripted and also, uncensored; it has a mocking take on all kinds of events around the world. It relies on a parody of news which includes the headlines about anything or anyone for the stand-up procedure and gags. It also focused on extremely entertaining and hilarious conversations for the interview portion which features an anchor of fake celebrities and political people. ‘Jay Hind!’ has developed its own method of animation, blended with live action to establish an all new rib-tickling show.
Renowned people like the actor,
Anupam Kher
and writer, poet and lyricist,
Prasoon Joshi
was featured in the show. It was produced by
Mrinal Jha
and directed by
Abhigyan Jha
, under their own banner, Undercover Productions Ltd. The two are also the people behind the popular late night show, Movers and Shakers and ‘Jay Hind!’ has a similar concept to the show. The creative writers of the show include
Varun Grover
Rahul Patel
Sorabh Pant
Andy Reghu
Nishant Mehta
, Gursimranjeet Khamba,
Jeevak Muntode
, Vivek Vishwam and Javed.Â
Sumeet Raghvan received the Best Anchor Award and the Best Talk/Chat Show at the Indian Television Academy Awards in 2012 and beats all the television shows around India. The show is also the first Indian show to have its very own Android and iOS application with over 600-million users.