Rajesh Radheylal Gupta is an Indian producer and director. Films produced and directed by him include “Talaash,” “Humnava,” and a television serial named Baa Bahoo Aur Baby (2010). Another television series he contributed to as an executive producer is “Runaway Lugai,” He directed more than 2000 episodes of serials for the “Doordarshan” channel, but initially, he dreamt of being a successful actor...
Bhupindder Bhoopii is an acclaimed personality who has been serving the Bollywood film and television industry since 2003. The skills of this actor were seen first time by the director Sanjay Khandelwal, who casted him in his drama film ‘Mahima Kashi Vishwanath Ki.’ The movie released on 1st January 2003 got much name and fame. Impressed by his acting skills,...
Vije Bhatia, also known as Vijay Bhatia, is an Indian film and television actor. He has appeared in many movies as a leading and supporting actor and has made his stand in the Bollywood industry. People know him for his personality and mind-blowing performances. He made his debut in the film, “Mumbai 125 KM 3D”, which released in 2014 and...
Ravi Kishan Shukla, or ostentatiously known by his stage name of Ravi Kishan, is a Bhojpuri film and television artist. Kishan has also acted in many well-known Bollywood movies such as "Tere Naam", "Phir Hera Pheri", "Pitambar", "Raavan", "Welcome to Sajjanpur", and "Luck", among many others. Kishan was also a finalist on the 2006 season of the reality television show,...
Markand Adhikari is a media pioneer who was born on 26th August. Markand is the son of Navnital Adhikari and Sharda Navnital Adhikari. Markand Adhikari is the Chairman and MD of SAB Group, Sri Adhikari Brothers. He founded the SAB Group in 1981 with his brother Lt. Gautam Adhikari. Markand Adhikari’s group had been one of the important and leading...
Gautam Adhikari was an Indian producer, writer, and director. As a well-known name in the Marathi television industry, he produced several Marathi films and TV shows. His wife is Ranjana Adhikari. He had two children; a son, Ravi Adhikari, and a daughter, Urvee Adhikari. Unfortunately, he died at 67 due to a heart attack at his house in Mumbai. He was the chairman...