"Rumana Molla is a Bollywood actress who has worked in notable films in a short span of time. She is not only an actor, but she is also a dancer trained in Jazz, Tap, Bharat Natyam, Bollywood, and Hip-hop and has worked as an anchor as well. Well equipped in the Bengali, English, French, Dutch, and Hindi languages, Rumana Molla...
Palak Jain is an Indian model and television actress, born on April 1, 1994 in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India and belongs to the upper middle class family. She studied at St. Joseph School in Mumbai and pursue Bachelor in Mass Media at the Usha Pravin Gandhi College of Management in Mumbai. Her father is Santosh Jain who is into Iron and...
Rob aka Harun Robert is an artist and television anchor. He is a television personality known for his creative shows based on children. He specializes in music, dance, and artistic skills. He is a trained applied artist. He is known to possess ultimate creative and craft skills. Rob is a well-known face among children of all age groups. He is...