Hindustan Ka Big Star is a Bhojpuri reality show on Zee Ganga TV channel. The show launched on 05 July 2014. Dinesh Lal Yadav Dinesh Lal Yadav Nirahua is a popular Bhojpuri sin >> Read More... hosted the show, and Surendra Pal Best known for his roles as Dronacharya in Mahabha >> Read More... and Smrity Sinha Smrity Sinha is a talented Bhojpuri actress and mo >> Read More... were the judges. The show was a competition where individuals from Bihar and Jharkhand came together to display their artistic and creative skills and abilities. The different domains they could showcase their talent were singing, dancing, acting, stand-up comedy, mimicry, and other art forms. Reality shows like Hindustan Ka Big Star offer a platform for people to express their passion and talent to the world. They can develop pride in the contestant for representing their states and showcase their rich cultural diversity.