Mahuaa Talkies was a popular Bhojpuri TV show. The TV show aired on the Bhojpuri TV channel Mahuaa TV. Mahuaa Talkies was one of those special TV shows made for the audiences which got featured on the TV for a shorter span of time. The TV show ran for about for 7 days on the Mahuaa TV screens. The TV show was dedicated to the film actors, and actresses. Mahuaa Talkies show had in total four most popular actors who work in different genres. Those were the actors who have done certain kind of roles and, have won the heart of audiences of the Bhojpuri film industry. These actors have got their names recognized by the roles and, characters they have played.
The TV show was just not about the role and, the character portrayed but the kind of genre actors have worked into. In these different genres of cinema few actors have got their name engraved on it. They play their genre better than anyone, and are masters of their game. These famous actors to whom this 7 days TV show was dedicated were;
Ravi Kishan
Ravi Kishan Shukla, or ostentatiously known by his >> Read More...
, Nirahua,
Manoj Tiwari
An incumbent Bhojpuri superstar, Manoj Tiwari was >>
, and
Pawan Singh
Pawan Singh is an actor and singer in Bhojpuri fil >> Read More...
. The TV show was about these four actors and, their blockbuster cinema. Also, it was not just blockbuster movies but, also Action Blockbusters. This blockbuster of Action Cinema was decided to be telecast on the Mahuaa TV for a period of seven continuous days. Blockbuster action films done by each actor were aired on the television for audiences for seven consecutive days. Each actor was given a different title as per his work in these super hit action films, and films related to that actor justifying the title were featured.
Manoj Tiwari was titled as Powerful Manoj Tiwari. Nirahua got the title of Action King. Ravi Kishan was called The Enemy of the Enemies. Pawan Singh got the title of The Action Player. The Bhojpuri audience has great love for cinema and, the actors working in the industry and films. The seven days and, seven action blockbuster films concept worked for the audiences. The craze audience showed while watching these amazingly filtered and, titled movies got reflected in the rising TRP of the channel. Mahuaa TV is one of the best TV channels when it comes to films, and actors. Many films of each actor were shown everyday and, people got the chance to watch their favorite actors and, favorite films.