Barsela Rang Fagunwa Mein is a Bhojpuri entertainment show that celebrates the vibrant festival of Holi. The show premiered in Zee Ganga in 2020 which has over 8 episodes. It is now available to watch on Zee5. The program showcases the fun surrounding the Holi festivities. The show features special guest appearances from popular Bhojpuri celebrities like Khesari Lal Yadav From getting thrown out by his father for stealing >> Read More... , Kajal Raghwani Kajal Raghwani is a 30-years-old Bhojpuri actress. >> Read More... , Pawan Singh Pawan Singh is an actor and singer in Bhojpuri fil >> Read More... , Ravi Kishan Ravi Kishan Shukla, or ostentatiously known by his >> Read More... , Manoj Tiwari An incumbent Bhojpuri superstar, Manoj Tiwari was >> Read More... , Anjana Singh Anjana Singh is an Indian-origin actress who prima >> Read More... and others. The show includes humor, music, dance and the vibrant colors of the spring festival. Barsela Rang Fagunwa Mein aims to bring the joyous Holi celebrations into the homes of viewers through the talents of renowned Bhojpuri artists and entertainers.