Telecasted on Bhojpuri television channel Mahuaa, Suro Ka Mahasangram is a singing reality show. It successfully ran for five seasons. Later the channel shut down due to loss. The show aimed to encourage fresh talent by providing them a stage. It was hosted by famous Bhojpuri actor, singer and now a politician, Manoj Tiwari.
Surviving the challenges and eliminations every week, Arun Dev Yadav Arun Dev Yadav is a playback singer based in Jamsh >> Read More... of Jharkhand defeated Prateek and emerged as the winner of the Season one. Kalpana from Uttar Pradesh ended up on the third position. The finale episode was a gala affair as it had Bihar's Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar, as the Chief Guest. Another prominent guest was P.K. Tiwari, CMD of Mahuaa.