Aahat is an eminent Indian horror-thriller series, which was broadcasted on Sony Entertainment Television India and Sony Entertainment Television Asia. The television series started on October 12, 1995 and ran successfully for five seasons before ending on November 25, 2010 and completed more than 450 episodes. The sixth season is scheduled to air on January 2015. The show was written and made by B. P. Singh, who is also the director of the series. He is also the co-producer of Pradeep Uppoor Pradeep Uppoor is a film producer. With the help o >> Read More... of Fireworks Productions.
Aahat is a fictional story with a combination of ghosts and tantras. The beginning of the first season was more of a crime-thriller, mystery with occasional stories about the supernatural. Then after every story, the show focused on various features of paranormal activities, undead people, possessed objects, zombies, apparition, spirits, witches and more. Season 1 was shot in the year 1994 and started airing on October 12, 1995. But after completing 40 episodes with the same theme, the channel shifted and aired an episode with a paranormal theme. The number of audiences rose abruptly so the channel continued airing a ghostly theme. In August of 2002, the channel re-telecasted the season. Chaitanya Choudhury Chaitanya Choudhury was born in Mumbai, 18th April >> Read More... , Krystle D’Souza and Vishal Gandhi This happy go lucky tall Gujarati actor is known f >> Read More... appeared as the permanent leads in the Season 4. The three were blessed yet oblivious of their special powers. Season 4 had 3 crossover episodes with the Indian crime detective-based series, C.I.D, which happened on November 13, 2009, February 12, 2010 and June 25, 2010.
On September 20, 2010, a special episode entitled, Maut Ka Khel of Aahat’s Season 5 aired in the celebration of their 15-years in the business. Famous TV personalities including Karishma Tanna Karishma Tanna is an Indian Television actress bor >> Read More... , Roshni Chopra Roshni Chopra, an actress, TV presenter and a mode >> Read More... , Gautama Rode, Ketki Dave Ketki Dave is a dazzling Indian actress and a stan >> Read More... , Bobby Darling Although there have been films in which transsexua >> Read More... , Tanaaz Irani Tanaaz Irani is one of those popular artistes in t >> Read More... , Bakhtiyaar Irani Bhakhtiyar Irani is an Indian actor. By origin he >> Read More... , Vivan Bhatena Vivan Bhatena is a well-known face among the aud >> Read More... , Aryan Vaid Aryan Vaid was born on 4 July 1976. He is an India >> Read More... , Sanjit Bedi, Aashka Goradia Aashka Goradia is a known face to viewers who watc >> Read More... , and Shahbaz Khan Shahbaz Khan is known for his character as Mayakaa >> Read More... has done their best to survive in an old haunted house and battles with all the peculiar events in the 200-year old house. This episode ended on October 14, 2010. Season 6 is expected to launch on January 2015 and will feature actors like Sukhmani Sadana She is well known Indian actress and writer. She w >> Read More... , Shakti Anand Famous for his role as Nikhil Samarth in the dram >> Read More... and Prerna Bhatt Prerna Bhatt is an Indian Television Actress who w >> Read More... . The actor who survived will be declared as the winner.
Season 1 and Season 4 were the only seasons that received immense popularity than the other seasons. Overall, Aahat gained mixed to positive reviews. It was also dubbed in Hindi, Tamil (aired on Raj TV), Bengali (aired on Sony Aath) and Urdu (aired on A-Plus TV) languages.