Shilpa is an Indian Tamil television actress known for her appearances in the mega-hit serials like Thangamana Purushan on Kalaignar TV, Life OK’s drama serial Savithri, and Kanmaniyae on Sun TV. Shilpa entered the television industry after she finished her studies in Holy Angels Convent and started as a television anchor. She changed her name to Shilpa after joining the...
Jayanth Reddy, popularly known as just ‘Jayanth’ is a film actor from Andhra Pradesh. His birthplace is the village of Addalla in Andhra Pradesh. However, he lived most of his grown-up life in the capital of the state, Hyderabad. He belongs to a political background. Patlolla Manik Reddy is Jayanth Reddy’s real paternal Uncle. Narasimha Reddy is the father-in-law of...