Priyanka Thimmesh is a Kannada film actress from Bhadravathi, Karnataka who has mainly worked in Kannada, Malayalam and Tamil films. She made her acting debut in the 2015 Kannada film Ganapa. She has an elder brother, Preetham. She has completed her schooling from St. Charles High School, Bhadravathi and then completed her Diploma in Computer Science at Government Woman's Polytechnic...
Hareesh Peradi, a sublime actor who blends so well with the roles portrayed by him, is from Chalappuram, Kerala. Hareesh is the son of Govindan Nair and Savithri Nair. As a teenage boy, he was engaged and interested in dramas and had received several prizes as well. He is wedded to Bindu, who is a dance teacher. They have a...