Deekshita Parvathi came into the limelight with the release of her first movie in September 2019. She is a Tollywood actress known for her role in the movie ‘nee kosam’ by director Avinash Kokati. She was cast across Aravind Reddy, Shubhangi Pant ,and Ajit Radharam. In the movie, she plays the role of an NRI (Siya) who is in love...
Vignesh is a Tamil actor who hailed from the district of Erode, Tamilnadu. He was introduced to Tamil cinema through the film, Avanga Namma Ooru Ponnunga. Born as Raja, he changed his name as Vignesh for the film industry. Though Vignesh is known to most of the people, he did not get much popularity. He has acted in many successful...
Viveka is a lyricist, who works in the Tamil film industry of South India. Viveka started as a lyricist in the year 2015. Viveka was born in 1985, and currently resides in Chidambaram in Tamil Nadu. Before venturing into the film industry, Viveka studied engineering and then law. Inspired by the work of Vairamuthu, a famous lyricist of the Tamil...