Raja Gurusamy is a prominent figure in the Indian Film Industry highly known for his work in the Tamil film industry as a Director. Gurusamy is a talented director and gained widespread recognition for his Tamil language drama romance genre film “Kadapura Kalai Kuzhu,” released on 7 July 2023. This film was directed and written by him and got a...
Vinoth Gandhi is a cinematographer working in the Tamil film industry. He was born and brought up in Ammapettai, Thanjavur. He belongs to an agricultural family. He studied at UAAT Higher Secondary School. He started his career as a cinematographer in 2010 with Huemonk Media Productions. Besides cranking the regular moving camera, he is a drone pilot who controls the...
Ram Gopi is an Indian film editor. He predominantly worked in the Tamil film industry. Gopi studied at Vallal School. Then, he graduated from Patrician College of Arts and Science. He is a resident of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Gopi has worked in a few prominent Tamil films. He edited Raja Gurusamy’s comedy film Kaadapura Kalaikuzhu (2023). It starred Mime Gopi,...
Munishkanth’s Original name is Ramdoss. He has worked as a Goldsmith for two years. With aspiration of entering into the film industry, Ramdoss came to Chennai in the year 2002. He has worked as a junior artist in many film projects. His first movie was Ethan which released in the year 2011. In the year 2013, Munishkanth got a chance...
Anthakudi Ilayaraja is a Singer and Lyricist in the Kollywood Industry, specially recognized for singing folk songs in the South. He has been performed at various places, mainly in temple festivals and stage shows. His song in Tamil film Ilami under Srikanth Deva Musical was a massive hit in 2016. He has popularly done more than 2000 stage programs....
Kali Venkat hails from a rural village named Kovilpatti in Tamil Nadu from where he came to Chennai to pursue his acting career. From childhood, he had a huge passion and interest for acting, He used to take part in lots of dramas hosted in his school and his locality since he was studying in the eighth standard. Realizing that...
Mime Gopi’s original name is K.Gopinathan. When he was young, his father passed away and he was taken care of by his sister and brother. He did schooling at a government school and was not very good at academics but he had interest in extra-curricular activity. He always had respect for his teachers and liked two teachers the most, his...