Manju Warrier is a South-Indian film actress, born on November 1, 1978, in Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, to an accountant father and a homemaker mother. She completed her schooling from Chinmaya Vidyalaya and further from Chovva Higher Secondary School, both situated at Kannur. She graduated from SN College, Kannur. Manju was only seventeen when she made her debut in the film...
Grace Antony is a supporting actress who belongs to the Mollywood Industry. She hails from Ernakulam, Kerala and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Bharatanatyam. Her debut on the silver screen was in the year 2016 as Teena in the movie named Happy Wedding. Grace portrayed the role of Kunjolu in the film called Kambhoji directed by Vinod Mankara, Geethu in...
Rosshan Andrrews is an Indian film director of Malayali origin. He prominently works on Malayalam movies. Rosshan has born to Moolakuzhi Nedumparampil Andrews and Beny, an Indian film director (mostly Malayalam films). He has attended St. Aloysious Thrissur and Cochin College, Ernakulam. Andrrews is a Roman Catholic of the Latin Rite. Rosshan has always been interested in co-curricular activities and...