Indian actress Sarah Harish has previously worked in the Kannada cinema industry. In 2020, Sarah's motion picture, Sri Bharatha Baahubali, was released in theatres. In a tiny town, Bharatha and Baahubali maintain an upbeat lifestyle. They run upon Sri, an NRI girl, on a mission in India, by chance. As Sri strives toward her goal, several misfortunes and events follow....
Kaavya Sha is an Indian actress, who works as a film and television actress, anchor, model, and a dancer. She was born on the 9th of March at Bangalore, Karnataka. Her zodiac sign is Scorpio. She is the daughter of a very famous actor, Nagendra Shah. She completed her education from NMKRV College for Women. She is a Hindu. She...
Malavika Avinash is a South Indian film actress, notable television serial performer and an acclaimed anchor. Â She was born to N Ganesan and Savithri. Her mother was a famous writer, an acclaimed vocalist and an accomplished dancer. She started learning Bharatanatyam even from her school days. She also learned Sitar in her early teen ages. Her entry into the profession...
Anirudh Acharya is a well-known actor and producer from the Indian film industry. He primarily works in Kannada films. Anirudh started as an actor in Innuendo in 2012. He was an actor in Brahman Naman in 2016, Puta Tirugisi Nodi in 2016, Hondisi Bareyiri in 2023, David in 2023, and Aachar and Co. in 2023. He is currently working on...
Rakesh Adiga was born on born 7 July in 1986; he is a film actor, who works mainly in the Kannada film industry. Rakesh is well known in the business circles since he belongs to the family of Adigas who have a chain of hotels and restaurants across Karnataka. He was introduced to the industry through the film ‘Jhoshh’. Rakesh...