Elizabeth Banks is an actress from Hollywood, and also a producer, and director, born on 10th February 1974, in Pittsfield, Massachusetts and raised up on Brown Street. Her father, Mark P. Mitchell worked as a factory worker for General Electric and mother, Ann Banks worked in a bank. She has a brother named Geoff. Her ancestry includes English, Irish, Scottish,...
Alison Brie is also known as Alison Brie Schermerhorn, and she is an American television and movie actress. She is known for her role of Annie Edison in the comedy series Community, aired on NBC/Yahoo!. Her famous television series include Trudy Campbell aired on AMC drama and Mad Men; she had voiced for the character of Diane Nguyen in the...
This “Emmy-nominated comedian” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle” fame star with his raspy deep throated voice has won the hearts of millions of fans. Born on May 4th, 1970, in Toronto, Ontario he is well known for his “Arrested Development series”. The Lego Batman movie fame Canadian actor has established his position in Hollywood with his acting in ‘28 movies...