Black & White: The Dawn Of Justice is an adventurous action movie. The story revolves around a city hijacked by a group of terrorists. The movie was released in China and Taiwan. The original language of the movie is Mandarin. Tsai Yueh-Hsun directed the film. Beijing Hualu Baina Entertainment, Pulajia International Entertainment, 1Yinli Entertainment Investment, China Film Group Corporation, Beijing Yunqi Media, Dongyang Hualu Baina Entertainment and Yinli Entertainment International are the production companies associated with the movie. The cast includes Mark Chao, Lin Gengxin, Huang Bo, Janine Chang, Kenny Lin, Ning Chang, Chieh-kai Shiou, Jason Tsou, Terri Kwan, Gülnezer Bextiyar, Shih-Chieh King, Moon Wang, Yueh-Hsun Tsai, Chih-Wei Tang, Ti-Men Kan, Fion Hong and Hank Wu. Charles Labriet edited the script. The Fat/Help dealt with the soundtrack.
The story’s plot revolves around a group of terrorists. Wu Ying-xiong, a politician, gets chased by fee terrorists. But he was unaware of the fact that his case has connections with the mysterious event that took place in the city. Terrorists are constantly attacking the Harbour city. Lan Xi-en is the leader of the group. He brainwashed some people and sent them as terrorists in the town. However, they had time bombs attached to their bodies. One of them is Ying Xiong’s close friend, Xu Dafu. He was not a terrorist, but he was forced to sacrifice himself. Ying’s police station was also affected by the attack. Few top-rated detectives worked together. Lan Xien brought the controls of all the bombs under him.
Star performance
The main character of the story is Wu Ying-xiong. Mark Chao plays his character. His acting skills were incredible. However, at some scenes Mark’s acting was not satisfactory as it should be. Otherwise, his presence made the story fun and compelling. Another important character is Lan Xi-en. He is the villain in the film. Janine Chang played his role in the movie. Janine has done a terrific acting. His character made the story line more meaningful as his actings skills are fantastic.
Other supporting cast like Huang Bo, Kenny Lin, Ning Chang, Chieh-kai Shiou, Jason Tsou, Terri Kwan, Gülnezer Bextiyar, Shih-Chieh King, Moon Wang, Yueh-Hsun Tsai, Chih-Wei Tang, Ti-Men Kan, Fion Hong and Hank Wu did good work in the movie.
Black & White: The Dawn Of Justice is a fantastic movie. The story’s plot is riveting as it is full of action scenes. The movie begins with a car chasing scenes, so it becomes pretty clear what the movie will be. However, the execution of emotional scenes is not good as action scenes. Also, whenever a woman character appeared in the film, the movie’s tone shifted to pity and emotional. The supporting actors in the film could do better. However, the main lead were fantastic, even the chemistry between Mark Chao and Lin Gengxin is very impressive.
But, some characters in the movie were underdeveloped. The film has an exciting yet intelligent plot. The script’s execution in the movie is terrific, significantly, the action scene’s execution. The pace of the movie is not so good as the movie slowed down in several intense scenes which made it lengthy. The movie’s script lack depth as the emotions of the characters are not shown on the screen. The movie has fantastic cinematography. The film’s soundtracks are also unique as they enhance the action scenes.
What's there?Â
What's not there?
The movie’s plot is unique but unpredictable. So one can watch this movie or even skip it due to its drawbacks.