Veena Jayakody, also known as Virginia Sandhya Peiris is a Sinhala actress and a film director. She has been a part of many movies, stage dramas, and television series. She was born on 27th November 1952 to Rohini Jayakody, a prominent actress and film director. She started her career with the movie Ahankara Sthree in 1954. She was cast in numerous movies such as Hangi Hora, Kohomada Wade, Ra Manamali, M Muwan Palessa, Sathyagrahanaya, Maruthaya, Motor Bicycle, Sangile, Suparna, and more.
She has also been a part of notable television series such as Amarapuraya, Aragalaya, Bopath Sakkiya, Eth Kanda Lihini, Ganga Addara Story soon >> Read More... , and many more. Veena also learned dance under the guidance of Pramila Kuruppu, Daya Nellampitiya, and Rudrani Liyanage. She won the best actress award for her work in the movie Ra Manamali in 1982. She had built a successful career based on her hard work and her passion.