KabitaKhadka is a Nepali actress. She has performed in many movies, like Palpalmia, which is the representation of Dahal movies based on adult themes and earning profit, directed by UkeshDahal in 2011, Ijjatdar, Majhi Mama, directed by RajuDhojRana, and Mangal Sutra, produced by MukundaBaskota. She has also worked in Kollywood movies like Agniputra in 2007, Directed by RajuDhojRana. Along with Deepa Shree Niraula Bio coming soon... >> Read More... and ManjuPoudel, she is a featured performer in the song Teej by ManjuPoudel. Kathmandu Actress KavitaKhadka, who is known as a highly glitzy actress, is not living in Nepal. The actress has spent the last six years residing in Copenhagen, Denmark.