Sitaram Kattel, also known as Dhurmus, is a famous Nepalese actor, comedian, scriptwriter, director, and social worker. He was born on September 20, 1983 in Necha Betghari VDC of Solukhumkhu district. He has faced during his childhood and struggled a lot in life. He attended Ratna Rajya Campus College to earn a degree in Bachelor of Arts, but unfortunately, he could not complete his studies. His father’s name is Bograj Kattel and his mother’s name is Kamala Kattel. Sitaram is the eldest son and has a brother named Kumar Kattel Kumar Kattel is a famous Nepali actor, director, w >> Read More... also known as Jigri. Sitaram Kattel got married to Kunjana Ghimire Kunjana Ghimire is a Nepalese comedian, actress an >> Read More... in 2009 and they have one daughter. Sitaram began his career with the hit comedy show named Geetanjali where he worked as a temporary scriptwriter.
He has also worked in another famous Nepali Comedy TV Series named Jire Khursani Jire Khursani is another popular Nepali series tha >> Read More... for a while. He has also worked in fourteen episodes of Tito Satya Tito Satya is a 2003 Nepali situational comedy ser >> Read More... with Dipak Raj Giri. Later, he created a sitcom called Meri Bassai Meri Bassai is the longest-running sitcom drama se >> Read More... , along with Kedar Ghimire Kedar Prasad Ghimire is a Nepalese comedian, actor >> Read More... and Daman Rupakheti Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . The duo of Sitaram Kattel and Kedar Ghimire got very popular amongst the masses as Dhurmus and Magne Budo, the characters from Meri Bassai. Sitaram has also worked in various movies like Chha Ekan Chha, Nai Nabhannu La 2, Woda Number 6, Senti Virus, Daud, and Chhakka Panja.
Sitaram Kattel along with his wife Kunjana Ghimire has actively contributed to social work. The couple has worked in earthquake relief and built houses for the earthquake victims. They have also distributed the relief materials among the people of the Musahar community of Bardibas. He is also building an international cricket stadium in Chitwan via Dhurmus Suntali Foundation. Sitaram and his wife Kunjana are cleanliness ambassadors of the Nepal government.