Jn Ghimire aka Jagannath Ghimire is an Indian actor, producer and script writer in the Nepali film industry. He is from Butwal, Nepal. He studied at Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He is married and lives in Kathmandu, Nepal. Apart from a career in the film industry, he is also an education lecturer. He has participated in education workshops like the IELTS Teacher Training Workshop in 2024. He is known for his work in the Nepali TV series Bhagya Aa Aafno, aired on Ramailo TV, in 2019. He is also known for the Ramesh Koirala-directed short film Nirmaya, starring Laya Sangraula Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Ramesh Budhathoki Ramesh Budhathoki is an actor and director working >> Read More... , Ram Babu Regmi Bio coming soon... >> Read More... , Ajit Lamichhaane, etc.