Here are the celebrities born on 09th June 2009! Explore the birthdays of your favorite celebrities born on this date and celebrate their talents and achievements. Here are some of your known celebs Sejal Gupta
Age Now 15
Anantya Anand - (YouTuber)
Celebrity NameCelebrity Language(DD-MM-YYYY)
Age Now 30
Aarvika Gupta - (TV-Actress)
Age Now 34
Achu Rajamani - (Composer)
Age Now 9
Adira Chopra - (Celebrity Kid)
Age Now 26
Adnan Raza Mir - (Actor)
Aksh Baghla - (Singer)
Age Now 71
Anashua Majumdar - (TV-Actress)
Age Now 39
Anitha Bhat - (Movie Actress)
Age Now 43
Anshuman Bajaj - (Actor)
Arul Mohzi Varman - (Editor)
Age Now 29
Arun F Xaviour - (Director)
Aryan Pandit - (TV-Actor)
Avinash Mishra - (TV-Actor)
Age Now 25
Axata Adhikari - (Singer)
Age Now 83
Beau Bridges - (Movie Actor)
Age Now 49
Bilas Nair - (Supporting Actor)
Lived For 89 Years
Buck Henry - (Director)
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