Jal Pari, a Pakistani television series aired on Geo TV. It is a 17-episode series which tells the story of a girl named Shaista, whose goal in life is to become rich and happy. Shaista is a lonely girl who lives in a small city with her sister. The story basically revolves around her struggle to achieve the goal, but it sparks more interest when a girl like Shaista, who never thought about falling in love, falls in love with her teacher.
As the story progresses, after facing many challenges and going through difficult situations, she finally achieves her goal and becomes rich and happy. This Pakistani TV series was later renamed as ‘Deewana Kise Banayegi Yeh Ladaki’. It was directed by Sarmad Sultan and was written by Sarmad Sehbai Sarmad Sehbai is a Pakistani poet and film directo >> Read More... . This series stars Neelam Muneer Neelam Muneer, born 20th March 1992 at Karachi, Pa >> Read More... , Adnan Siddiqui Adnan Siddiqui is a well-known Pakistani actor. He >> Read More... , Noman Ijaz Noman Ijaz is a Pakistani actor, who was born on 1 >> Read More... , and Mikaal Zulfiqar Mikaal Zulfiqar is a British Pakistani model and a >> Read More... in lead roles.