Star Maa Parivaar League is a Telugu language TV show that aired on the channel Star Maa from Monday to Wednesday at 11:30 am. The show was hosted by the famous actor and anchor Jhaansi. Star Maa Parivaar League is a celebrity game show in which actors belonging to television serials are invited to play. Per episode, stars belonging to two serials are invited, three from each. They compete with each other to go to the next round. The game involves qualifier rounds, semi-finals, and finals. The game format is that boxes with a number on it from 1-30, arranged in the form of a honeycomb, are displayed on a screen on their podiums.
They get to pick a number, which may contain gold, money, dance, singing, task box, quiz, gifts, or joker. If they get the task box, they need to pick chits to select which game they’ll play. The quiz contains two sets, and the player can choose between them. Joker means that if they want to get out of doing a task, they can skip it. After every act or task, the host gives them points out of ten. Whoever wins the maximum points wins the episode. The game show maintains a scoreboard including all the serials, based on which they get promoted to the semi-finals and finals.
The stars belonging to the following Star Maa serials have participated in the show; Manasuna Manasai Manasuna Manasai is an Indian-Tamil language telev >> Read More... , Mounaraagam, Siri Siri Muvvalu Siri Siri Muvva is an Indian-Telegu television ser >> Read More... , Kunkuma Puvvu, Koilamma, Kathalo Rajakumari Click to look into! >> Read More... , Karthika Deepam This is a show in the category of Telugu tv series >> Read More... , Lakshmi Kalyanam Lakshmi Kalyanam is a Telugu television series tha >> Read More... , Agnisakshi, Kante Koothurne Kanali Kante Koothurne Kanali is a TV serial broadcasted >> Read More... , Kanulu Moosina Neevaye Kanulu Moosina Neevaye is a 2019 TV series on Star >> Read More... , and Savitramma Gari Abbayi Savitramma Gari Abbayi is an Indian Telugu languag >> Read More... . The teams that have reached the semi-finals are Kathalo Rajakumari, Karthika Deepam, Lakshmi Kalyanam, and Agnisakshi. The winner was team Karthika Deepam and the team Kathalo Rajakumari was the runner up.