Haidi is a Sri Lankan drama series airing on the ITN channel. The show's cast includes Sarana Dissasekara, Shalani Tharaka Shalani Tharaka is a well-known Sri Lankan Televis >> Read More... , Rex Kodippili Rex Kodippili, born Rex Joseph Kodippili, is a Sri >> Read More... , and Ashika Manasinghe Bio coming soon... >> Read More... . The show brings up the complex father-daughter relationship. The story is about a single father. He lost his wife, so he has to raise his child alone. The daughter felt the loss of maternal love and nurturing, so she grew aggressive towards her father. The father finally decides to open up to her about his efforts to care for her. The storyline focuses on parental loss and communication gaps across generations. Haidi promises to touch the hearts of Sinhala drama fans seeking stories of familial bonds.