Dance Dhamal was an Indian Odia Reality Television show aired on Zee Sarthak. The show premiered on 2013 and concluded on 2013 consisting of 50 episodes. Siddhant Mohapatra Siddhant Mohapatra, better known by his stage name >> Read More... , a Super Star Click to look into! >> Read More... , and MP served as the competition's judge. It was a celebrity dance show similar to Nach Baliye, the popular dance show on television. As a show's format, all of our favorite Oriya stars performed as couples. Celebrity couples competed against one another to win the prize and title by impressing the judges. The Oriya celebrity's names included Deepa Sahoo, Kajol, Dushmanta, Pupinder, and Jina Samal Jina Samal, also known by her moniker Jeena-Zeena >> Read More... , among others. The winner of the dance show was Lubina and Ankita.