The Voice of Nepal is a Nepalese singing reality show premiered on channel Himalaya TV. The show is inspired by the format of the international TV singing reality show, The Voice. It gives a platform to young and talented singers to show their singing prowess in front of the four coaches (judges). The coaches select the contestants which is entirely based on their skill level and eventually form four teams after the Blind Audition. One of the most interesting rounds is the knockout round where participants are paired with one another within the same team. The twist is that only half of the selected contestants from the blind audition were able to clear the knockout round. In this round the respective coach has to make a decision as to which contestants they want to keep in their team, and which one to eliminate.
In the next round which is the live round event, in a series of voting episodes, just one contestant with the most number of votes gets the chance to head into the grand finale. Through his excellent performances and melodious voice, the season was won by CD Vijaya Adhikari from Team Deep. The massive Grand Finale of the season was took place on 14 December 2018 in Quatar stadium. It was hosted beautifully by Sushil Nepal and Oshin Sitaula. The excellent judges for the season were Deep Shrestha, Sanup Paudel, Abhaya Subba, and Pramod Kharel. One interesting fact about the show is that the audition was taken using The Voice of Nepal app for iOS and Android. The show received 12,000 digital clips were received within a span of 30 days. From there on, it took 20 more days to select 108 participants. The selected contestants included non-resident Nepali from Japan, Australia, Dubai, and India.